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Eric Wolford Interview

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Pretty candid I thought. Obviously Tress wanted him out for his own guy and jeez let go by a phone call huh?.... Best of luck going forward to coach!


Interesting. I was under the impression that the decision to let wolford go was seperate from ysu picking Bo. YSU  didn't bring bo in until late in the process and they interviewed a number of other candidates. I find it hard to believe that once tress become president he had this scheme to bring in bo and get rid of wolford. Pretty sure it was just time for wolford to go, not a political/ favoritism type thing.

IAA Fan:
Good interview. Do not worry about the phone call ...it is fairly customary for the AD to call right after the vote. It would have been worse had they made him wait another day. I assure that you Pres. Tressel had very little to do with it and I know for a fact that Bo approached YSU after Strollo had chosen another coach ...no one will confirm for me whom that was.

Heck they let coach H go over the phone and he was at YSU for 20-years. Coach H actually talked with coach T about converting the offense, then approached Strollo with a good plan & the Athletic Committee agreed to let coach H try it. Strollo gave him 3-years. Coach H walked up to Strollo after our first loss and told him that he would leave on his own if he did not deliver a post season with that first new offensive recruiting class. Both coach H and Wolf knew what was coming. Strollo was in tears with coach H and I am sure he felt something similar for Wolf. We talk about these guys all the time, but they are human beings.

The YO Show:

--- Quote from: IAA Fan on September 23, 2015, 10:27:19 PM ---Good interview. Do not worry about the phone call ...it is fairly customary for the AD to call right after the vote. It would have been worse had they made him wait another day. I assure that you Pres. Tressel had very little to do with it and I know for a fact that Bo approached YSU after Strollo had chosen another coach ...no one will confirm for me whom that was.

Heck they let coach H go over the phone and he was at YSU for 20-years. Coach H actually talked with coach T about converting the offense, then approached Strollo with a good plan & the Athletic Committee agreed to let coach H try it. Strollo gave him 3-years. Coach H walked up to Strollo after our first loss and told him that he would leave on his own if he did not deliver a post season with that first new offensive recruiting class. Both coach H and Wolf knew what was coming. Strollo was in tears with coach H and I am sure he felt something similar for Wolf. We talk about these guys all the time, but they are human beings.

--- End quote ---

That is a great point. They are humans, and as such, I wish coach Wolford the best. I honestly believe he gave the job his whole effort too for that matter. But you really think Bo approached us first and after another coach was chosen? Based on timings of everything, I would believe it suspect that Tressel had in mind to bring Pelini the entire time (or at least that Tressel probably realized himself it wasn't feasible). Then when Pelini was fired he was in the mix, but based on the information from the coaches they were interviewing and had interviewed (including the interview scheduled for the Sunday that was cancelled when they announced Bo on the 16th). I have a feeling that they didn't have the coach decided before Bo threw his interest in. Hell, sometimes I wonder if he wasn't even talking to them until the football scoops story happened? But I'm just guessing and I don't have inside knowledge or anything so I could be very wrong in my assessment.

Wolford demonstrated a lot of class during that interview.  But let's not build some sort of conspiracy theory about the coaching change.  Remember that Wolford was given only a one year contract extension.  He understood perfectly well that it was playoffs or bust.  Those inexcusable home losses to Western Illinois and Indiana State sealed his fate.

The idea that Tressel always knew that he would replace Wolford with Pelini is just silly.  That all became possible only because of that enormous severance package that guaranteed riches to Pelini until sometime in 2019.  Nonetheless Tressel was the deciding factor here.  If Tressel is not the president, Pelini does not come here.  He basically said as much when he was introduced as our head coach.  Given his terrible relationship with Nebraska officials, a supportive administration that he could trust was an absolute priority for Pelini. 


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