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--- Quote from: go guins on September 22, 2015, 02:21:00 PM ---Why is '93 still talking about the RMU game anyway? That was two weeks ago and it's time to focus on the real season and that starts with South Dakota.

--- End quote ---

Even he couldn't find anything to be foul mouthed about in the SFSU game!

I didnt know SFSU was on the level of Alabama or Ohio State these days.
no wonder they only won 1 game last year, oh wait!

But Ohio State beats NIU by 7... Lol.

The YO Show:
So, FB93, how do the same situation (lower team playing very competitive against a higher team a la YSU vs Pitt and YSU vs RMU) not mean the same thing? Logically if you are calling one an beating the other must be.

What are you even trying to prove here? If its that YSU had a lackluster performance against RMU, and that the SFU game tells us nothing then thats fine. But, time will tell for sure how YSU is doing this year.

Consider, RMU did worse last year (and was ranked much lower by Sagarin and Massey) than SFU was. We barely beat RMU, but blew out Saint Francis (again a higher ranked team that actually won 5 games last year. Not saying they are great, but showing that bad game YSU had against RMU was likely a fluke regardless.

Don't feed the trolls

go guins:
YO, you are trying to address a troll with logic and intelligent thought, and although I admire your effort and agree with your point, it is a waste of time!


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