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In Game Embarassment Thread

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--- Quote from: YSUGO on September 13, 2015, 12:56:50 PM ---If Monty is on the Hotseat.  Why keep him any longer?  I think this is BS.  We need TEAM! Not Dividers in the locker room.  This has been a problem through the Wolford years and needs to be stopped.  Whoever is soreading this garbage needs to be rid of as well.

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93 is spreading rumors

IAA Fan:
93 you just talk. First of all, I (as non-down player) can clap my hands and yell "go get em guys" any time I want up to the first QB clap. After that, the NCAA ruled that a defensive player off the line is able to clap for adjustments. Heck it was Dantonio and Pelini that started this "clapgate". A fan can (and should) clap continuously when they see a clapping QB. I might also add that it is the more the motion of the hands, that the center sees in order to snap the ball.

Secondly, coach P was not forced to keep coach M ...so again, if Pelini is acting like a child (which I do not believe he is) then he was a bad hire as head coach. Only time will tell if that is the case. As I said, Monty is a system guy, so if you do not like his system, I can understand ...just not agree; as I like his system. There are things that I would do differently, especially in my "big packages", but I am not the OC for YSU.

BTW: coach M has not led us to any win ...he is not a head coach. He has assisted in ever win and loss we have had over the past 5+ seasons ...including last year's win against Pitt. His offenses have twice scored over 40-points against NDSU in losing efforts & one of the 3 times they did not was a YSU win. This is the kind of person you ask for advice  ...not ignore like a character on "Monster High" or "Grease"

There have been no media reports whatsoever about dissent in the coaching ranks or about other coaches not associating with Montgomery.  One poster started these rumors and some of you just assume that they are true.  Statements presented as fact must be documented with evidence or they are worth nothing.


--- Quote from: Wick250 on September 13, 2015, 02:46:28 PM ---There have been no media reports whatsoever about dissent in the coaching ranks or about other coaches not associating with Montgomery.  One poster started these rumors and some of you just assume that they are true.  Statements presented as fact must be documented with evidence or they are worth nothing.

--- End quote ---
93 has proven to be a troll looking to start trouble. He clearly has animosity toward Montgomery, for whatever the reason, and is trying to stir the pot up with baseless accusations. Why anyone on this board believes anything he has to stay leaves me scratching my head.

I've said it once and I will say it again, too many posts are emotionally driven on here. Sure we looked awful yesterday people, especially on offense, but we are 2 games into the damn season. We now have some quality evidence that Montgomery's offense struggles immensely in crappy weather conditions: SDSU and WIU (2 years ago) and RMU (yesterday). All hope is not lost.

Look I was as frustrated as everyone yesterday about the game. It was painstakingly ugly but sometimes you need to find a way to win. In the last couple seasons, we always griped about the inability to win a close game sans South Dakota State a season ago. I'm not saying we're really good or even good but we're not deplorable. A couple plays early on gave RMU momentum and they started getting confidence. We know how that is for an underdog, we were in that position a week ago. Saturday is another chance to get better and to go 2-1. If any of you forgot, Tressel's 99 team only beat Indiana (Pa.) 13-7 in 72 degrees and clear skies. Now I'm not saying we're going to go 12-3 and make the championship but let's relax and TRUST THE PROCESS.


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