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Article on YSU player that was dismissed from the team

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--- Quote from: ysuguins4 on September 14, 2015, 12:42:52 PM ---Rook,You had not commented on Wheary in the past.  I only asked for your opinion because you know a few of the players.

--- End quote ---

No offense I hope, but I honestly try not to post anything a player has discussed unless it is not team related.  On the occasion I see a few players we talk school and family and I just try to encourage them.  Some good kids don't see opportunity because of class schedules, some for other reasons.  We talk football only if they choose and I keep that confidential.  I am not exactly the source for inside information. 
I talked many times with M.W.'s father and a few others and probably learned some things that were in the "none of my business file."  I am very happy that M.W. is getting his life back on track.
That said, I know they are young adults, but many of them are looking for leadership and role models and BELIEVE ME - they want to win this year. 

The YO Show:
I, for one, feel that they have a very good chance to succeed and win alot this year.


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