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The Defense Also Let Us Down...

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--- Quote from: penguinpower on September 07, 2015, 07:25:42 AM ---
--- Quote from: YSUFB93 on September 07, 2015, 12:27:14 AM ---
--- Quote from: SoupCity on September 06, 2015, 10:24:15 PM ---
--- Quote from: YSUFB93 on September 06, 2015, 09:20:56 PM ---
--- Quote from: The YO Show on September 06, 2015, 05:01:28 PM ---For clarification, our defense only recorded two sacks. Derek rivers and terrell williams each had one sack. Also, we were +3 in the turnover margin.

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Yeah thats not true because Rivers had at least 3 of his own.  you should use facts

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Dude, please....you're very new to the forum.  Before you continue to call people out....do YOUR homework.  YO Show was right.  Please read below, these are the FACTS based on the YSU website.   Rivers also had 2 tackles for loss, which ARE NOT sacks.  Did you say you played???  SMH!!!!


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I watched the game, i dont give a fvck what the worthless box score says, those are WRONG plain and simple. I say Rivers take down Voytik behind the LOS 3 times, thats a SACK, time for you to shut the hell up and learn something about football before you post again, is that understood? Fvkcing loser like you thinks your allowed to tell me im wrong, thats way too funny folks, way too funny.  go learn what a fact is then get back to me

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What's your deal?  You don't sound like an athlete that should be approaching his early 50's you sound like a punk kid and surely you were educated in the English language while attending YSU.  And since you played you do recall that the stadium was full every game and an additional home game was added because of how healthy attendance was back in those days?  Consider that the population of Ytown is half of what is was in the early 1990's.  Consider that the people on the fan board are the ones that provide to the athletic scholarship fund and attend the games.  Consider that ~85% of the people living in Ytown only attended high school and they value watching that garbage level of football over YSU.  Consider that the students don't attend well and the average age of the fans attending is reaching geriatric status.  I think the real issue you have is with everyone else and not the board.  The people on the board know football and we know what championship level football looks like, however, some people on here believe that Shane Montgomery's fluffy offense will get the job done.  That is their right and until we prove we can run A-gap power plays against good teams consistently (and I haven't seen it yet) I will remain a critic of Montgomery's offense.

As far as defense is concerned I think that we have some good pieces in place but where the hell were the LB's during the Pitt game.  Surely you saw what I saw there.  We haven't had good LB play since the days of John Heacock and we haven't had championship level LB play since the Tressel days.

The anger you direct at us isn't necessarily targeted at the right audience.  Go tell the Vindicator to make YSU front page under all circumstances.  Voice your concerns of how YSU plays second fiddle to HS sports.  Get people out to the games and make it part of your Saturday.  Needs to be a family event just like most on tho board.  Tell other mill creek park to schedule all of their kids events on Sunday during football season.  I can't tell you how many times some other community activity competed against YSU games.  This kind of BS needs to stop.

Btw.  Yes I agree the box score has a factor of human error in it and humans are only 80% effective.

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how about the fact ive been shown nothing but disrespect from the start? I dont know how many times people have questioned my intelligence on here, by people that actually think they matter in life and think they should have an opinion. And do you recall how empty the stadium is when they aren't in the good days and winning playoff games? i sure do, its pathetic. and yes my anger is directed at the right people, you people (and yes i mean that in the derogatory term) is for the right people since some of you think you know football when im willing to bet its mostly high school drop outs with zero athletic ability that post here. 

YSU isn't the problem, its sh**ty fans with a sh**ty fan base that doesn't deserve to see another winning program. Period.

The YO Show:
YSUFB93, I have never been disrespectful towards you. I make it my prerogative to  treat everyone with respect. I understand that everyone deserves to be treated respectfully. I never attacked your intelligence. Disagreeing with you on a statistic does not constitute a disrespectful personal attack on you.

In any case, I have been at every YSU home game, except one, for the entire Wolford era. I always attend home games, even last year at the last couple of games when their were a few thousand people there total. I was one of a handful of students in the student section. My obsession with YSU football resembles the obsession that people have with NFL teams. My friends would attest to that.

It is unfair of you to make accusations and comments over the whole fanbase here when it is really so diverse. This forum probably holds the biggest amount of fervent YSU supporters.

Somebody is very, very angry with the world I see.

Does Paladin have a brother we don't know about?


--- Quote ---Go tell the Vindicator to make YSU front page under all circumstances.  Voice your concerns of how YSU plays second fiddle to HS sports.

--- End quote ---
When has a YSU football game ever not been on the front page?


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