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Pitt Game

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IAA Fan:
A team just scored 45-points against you and only their crappy QB kept it from being 59, but you look at the offense. You Monty haters know absolutely nothing about football. If we lose a game 85-80, you would still complain. "80-points is not enough...". What's the matter ...cannot win a game scoring 37 with over 400-yards of offense? "Oh we make no adjustments".  We went to a completely different offense in the second half and scored 24 of our 37. Where is the mention about how our defense was almost non-existent in the first-half? This one should have been ugly, and not in our favor. If Pitt could play football (execute), this one is over after the first two-series.

1. O-line was walked on all first half.
2. We lost Ruiz, so if you want to complain, ask coach M why we did not use Hymes more.
3. Webb made the choice to go outside and our line was man-handled.
4. Wells did not play well, especially in the first half. He has limited run skill and locks on receivers.
5. We could not kick-off at all.

Coming out of this game I question Wells, we have no kick-off game, O-line is suspect. Defense is improved, but far from good, highly out-matched the majority of the game.

IAA Fan:
Hey FB93 ...make your point in college educated language and it will stay. BTW ...nice to know your D can get a pick-6 ...now if you can figure out how to stop offenses from rushing for 325-yards against us?

The offense scored 30 pts on a ACC team.  Not bad.  Defense needs work though.  I believe we will improve each week under Pelini.  The only other team we will face with Pitt's talent is NDSU and Ill St.   So everyone needs to calm down.   7-4 or 8-3 season record I expect. 

Just look at the amount of negative plays we had on 1st down. You can't expect much success on 3rd down when your 2nd and 14 on a regular basis. Their D-line dominated plain and simple. I stated earlier the importance of touch-backs and it showed yesterday. On the bright side of things I believe the M.V.C. is down a notch from a year ago. Pitt could very well be the best team we face all season. What Pitt was able to accomplish with their outside run game yesterday will not happen in M.V.C. play to the degree it did yesterday


--- Quote from: FOOTBALLFEVER on September 06, 2015, 10:25:19 AM ---Just look at the amount of negative plays we had on 1st down. You can't expect much success on 3rd down when your 2nd and 14 on a regular basis. Their D-line dominated plain and simple. I stated earlier the importance of touch-backs and it showed yesterday. On the bright side of things I believe the M.V.C. is down a notch from a year ago. Pitt could very well be the best team we face all season. What Pitt was able to accomplish with their outside run game yesterday will not happen in M.V.C. play to the degree it did yesterday

--- End quote ---

Absolutely. Let the emotion of the game die down a bit, then look at what we did well the middle of the week.

There's a lot of positive there but our lack of depth showed at times. The conditions were awful, and Pitt could make wholesale changes. That's all to be expected. We played well until the end and didn't give up.

If Bo really did call out the OC let's hope that helps out instead of leading to pouting. I'm not sure the ego can handle it.


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