YSU Penguin Athletics > YSU Penguin Athletics

Pitt Game

<< < (11/22) > >>

Penguin Nation:
It would've been fine with me if a headset was tossed after the pass interference call.

The YO Show:
That should have been offensive pass interference! And I saw Pelini get in the refs face over that. That was one of two B.S. calls from that game.

I really think the injury to Ruiz was significant. To all the Monty haters out there it changed the offensive game plan up drastically. Boy would it have been nice to have Ryan Moore today there just isn't enough depth at the RB position.The passing game was solid considering the intense pressure Wells was under all day. To many dropped passes and the center needs to get the ball up it really messed the timing up all day. Offensively  Pitt capitalize big time on our 2nd level of defenders all day. That is the difference from  a F.B.S. power 5 school and the F.C.S level..overall it was just a great team effort and this type of game will only help the Guins in the long run.

The YO Show:
Completely agree. I kept asking the people around me, "Why isn't Ruiz in?". I like Webb and all, but if Ruiz was there for those short yardage situations... man. I hadn't even seen him get injured which was why I was more confused. Turns out he had a thigh bruise? Anyway, I did notice that our center snapped the ball soooooo low. It was basically on the ground a couple times. I don't think that was the difference maker though. Honestly, had Ruiz not gotten injured, I truly believe we would have won.

It was a loss yes, and I more than anyone wish we would have won (and should have won), but it was a good showing. MVFC is looking tough for this year, but I really hope and think we will be very competitive in conference.

Why Demond Hymes wasn't in on that 4th down play is beyond me. Changed the whole game around....  Was hoping for some trickeration or a play action pass at least.


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