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Youngstown St. 2015 Football (Prediction and Expectations)

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--- Quote from: penguinpower on August 24, 2015, 09:24:36 AM ---We can beat ISUr.  We should have beaten them last year.  I think we get one of the two superpowers.

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We annihilated them the year before 59-21.They nearly won the National Championship last year--goes to show you that a big difference can be made even in one year. 8)

Atomic Football's predictions!  >:(



--- Quote from: ysubigred on August 28, 2015, 10:00:10 AM ---Atomic Football's predictions!  >:(


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This is exactly why I won't look at this kind of stuff and the games are played on the field. I'm not going to make a prediction this season as I am not one to do so. Let's enjoy the ride and get out and pack Stambaugh. The winning will come, the team is doing their part and now its time to do ours. Hoping to see a big turnout of YSU fans next Saturday.

In no way, shape, or form does Illinois State have a program that is comparable to NDSU.  What they do have is a transfer qb who NOBODY within FCS, including the famous NDSU defense, could contend with once he got into the open field.  If the stud is healthy when they play us, we will have to outscore them to win (which is perfectly possible.)  If he happens to be injured for our game, we will have a relatively easy time with Illinois State.  Traditionally, they are a really bad road team.

The YO Show:
From what I've noticed, campus is buzzing. My cousin (an undergrad) said alot of students are interested in going. Just between my group and his group there are 15 ysu students going (2 grad and 13 undergrad ). Seemingly many students are interested in ysu football.

Also, no way ysu goes 5-7. Just saying. Dont see how they do worse than last year


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