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President Tressel

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go guins:

--- Quote from: Penguin Nation on January 26, 2017, 09:17:57 AM ---For my own selfish reasons I hope JT stays.  BP said JT was a big reason for him going to YSU.  Recruits have said the JT/BP combo was a big factor for them.  If JT leaves, BP will follow (I think he's gone either way TBH), and it'll had a significant negative impact on athletics, especially FB, at YSU.

JT is an ambitious guy.  I think he makes the leap.

As far as the skeletons go, JT's are trivial compared to most.

--- End quote ---
Anybody see the reception JT received in the "shoe" with the NC team?  That's pretty close to 105,000 Ohio voters.  Tressel is this nice, soft spoken, folksy guy, but you don’t play for 9 national championships and win 5 without a big ego and some major internal ambition.   Three things: 1. Anybody think he’d have fund raising trouble? No, me either.  2. I have a 50 year OSU season ticket holder friend who wanted Mason from Minn at the the time for OSU coach and I told him, “if Tressel gets an interview, he’ll get the job.”  That skill translates 100% straight to the campaign trail.  3. This would be TERRIBLE for YSU.  We have Pelini for 2 years and then we need a new HC and I want Tressel here to recruit and chose.


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