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President Tressel

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--- Quote from: Guinfan1990 on January 25, 2017, 09:18:59 PM ---
--- Quote from: ValleyTalk on January 25, 2017, 08:30:11 PM ---
--- Quote from: Guinfan1990 on January 25, 2017, 08:22:21 PM ---
--- Quote from: Penguin Nation on January 25, 2017, 09:12:53 AM ---I'll leave this here.  IMO there's a 60/40 likelihood that Tressel runs for Governor in 2018, and Kasich will return the favor and endorse him.  It'll be an interesting race as other locals (Timmy Ryan, Jay Williams) may also run, as well as former Cincy mayor Jerry Springer.  But running as a Dem?....the columnist is delusional.


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One delusional post after another from you here. First its almost 100% unlikely he's ever going to run, let alone run next year. Second, you know he's donated more to democratic causes than republican right?

Third, he'll be, i believe 66 by the time next years election comes up, with ZERO government experiance

he would be laughed off the face of the earth at applying to be elected

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1. Tressel is a Republican. He endorsed Kasich, but has donated to GOP candidates in past:
http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052970204731804574386952311239532 and this bizarre article: http://www.indystar.com/story/news/local/2017/01/10/democrats-should-draft-jim-tressel-run-governor/96384816/

2. They said that about Trump too.... but now he is Making America Great Again!

Lastly, I don't see Tressel running. It will be DeWine, Taylor, Husted vs Schiavoni, Turner, Williams?

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OH man, he helped  a freind get a job, that really defines what party he likes! or you know, his monetary contributions and his voting (also more pro dem then pub)

and no they didn't, but hey, try again right? in fact i remember just about everyone saying Trump would get it over the clown show the republicans ran out this year. making american great again, lol, my thats just too funny. we're guarenteed to be worse off in 4 years then the past 400.

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He could be a Dem, but published election contributions show his only contributions have been to the RNC and GOP Congressmen Stivers in Columbus, both in 2008. This election cycle, nothing from him, but his wife did donate multiple times to Trump and the OH GOP. She also donated once to Timmy Ryan. Of course spouses can hold different political views.

And yes, I'm soooooo scared of the irreparable damage my fellow millennials continue to spew regarding Trump. I've been critical of Donald on a number of occasions the past two years, but I'm very optimistic for the next four years after what I've seen over the past week.

go guins:
First: JT is a Republican.
Second: He would be the best governor Ohio every had. (IMO, the bar is not all that high)
Three:  Some (many) politicians say the right thing and do the wrong thing.  Trump appears to be the opposite.     He says (tweets) the wrong things, but does the right things.  To be honest, I think we may like the career politician who tells us what we want to hear and stabs us in the back better.  CERTAINLY the media does.
Fourth: I come to this blog to get away from the troubles if life and chat about the Penquins.  This thread sucks.

  Tressel's last job will be YSU President, and that is a lock.  I am a Tressel fan, but a political run would open up many wounds, and he does have baggage.  Mickey Monus and Ray Isaac debacle that swept under the rug, and his resignation at Ohio State.

 He will never put himself through any of that.

go guins:

--- Quote from: YSUFANSINCE1990 on January 26, 2017, 08:53:48 AM ---  Tressel's last job will be YSU President, and that is a lock.  I am a Tressel fan, but a political run would open up many wounds, and he does have baggage.  Mickey Monus and Ray Isaac debacle that swept under the rug, and his resignation at Ohio State.

 He will never put himself through any of that.

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If he ran, he would win, and he is younger than Trump.  We'll see.

Penguin Nation:
For my own selfish reasons I hope JT stays.  BP said JT was a big reason for him going to YSU.  Recruits have said the JT/BP combo was a big factor for them.  If JT leaves, BP will follow (I think he's gone either way TBH), and it'll had a significant negative impact on athletics, especially FB, at YSU.

JT is an ambitious guy.  I think he makes the leap.

As far as the skeletons go, JT's are trivial compared to most. 


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