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President Tressel

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--- Quote from: Penguin Nation on August 19, 2015, 01:51:55 PM ---After winning four National Championships, funding the WATTS, bringing in Bo Pelini, he reverses the declining enrollment numbers with high caliber students, and doubles funding for the YSU Foundation.


When will President Tressel leave YSU to run for statewide or Federal office? (not a joke)

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Never since he wouldn't be elected and would get flat out destroyed in any election.


--- Quote from: Penguin Nation on January 25, 2017, 09:12:53 AM ---I'll leave this here.  IMO there's a 60/40 likelihood that Tressel runs for Governor in 2018, and Kasich will return the favor and endorse him.  It'll be an interesting race as other locals (Timmy Ryan, Jay Williams) may also run, as well as former Cincy mayor Jerry Springer.  But running as a Dem?....the columnist is delusional.


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One delusional post after another from you here. First its almost 100% unlikely he's ever going to run, let alone run next year. Second, you know he's donated more to democratic causes than republican right?

Third, he'll be, i believe 66 by the time next years election comes up, with ZERO government experiance

he would be laughed off the face of the earth at applying to be elected


--- Quote from: Guinfan1990 on January 25, 2017, 08:22:21 PM ---
--- Quote from: Penguin Nation on January 25, 2017, 09:12:53 AM ---I'll leave this here.  IMO there's a 60/40 likelihood that Tressel runs for Governor in 2018, and Kasich will return the favor and endorse him.  It'll be an interesting race as other locals (Timmy Ryan, Jay Williams) may also run, as well as former Cincy mayor Jerry Springer.  But running as a Dem?....the columnist is delusional.


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One delusional post after another from you here. First its almost 100% unlikely he's ever going to run, let alone run next year. Second, you know he's donated more to democratic causes than republican right?

Third, he'll be, i believe 66 by the time next years election comes up, with ZERO government experiance

he would be laughed off the face of the earth at applying to be elected

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1. Tressel is a Republican. He endorsed Kasich, but has donated to GOP candidates in past:
http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052970204731804574386952311239532 and this bizarre article: http://www.indystar.com/story/news/local/2017/01/10/democrats-should-draft-jim-tressel-run-governor/96384816/

2. They said that about Trump too.... but now he is Making America Great Again!

Lastly, I don't see Tressel running. It will be DeWine, Taylor, Husted vs Schiavoni, Turner, Williams?


--- Quote from: ValleyTalk on January 25, 2017, 08:30:11 PM ---
--- Quote from: Guinfan1990 on January 25, 2017, 08:22:21 PM ---
--- Quote from: Penguin Nation on January 25, 2017, 09:12:53 AM ---I'll leave this here.  IMO there's a 60/40 likelihood that Tressel runs for Governor in 2018, and Kasich will return the favor and endorse him.  It'll be an interesting race as other locals (Timmy Ryan, Jay Williams) may also run, as well as former Cincy mayor Jerry Springer.  But running as a Dem?....the columnist is delusional.


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One delusional post after another from you here. First its almost 100% unlikely he's ever going to run, let alone run next year. Second, you know he's donated more to democratic causes than republican right?

Third, he'll be, i believe 66 by the time next years election comes up, with ZERO government experiance

he would be laughed off the face of the earth at applying to be elected

--- End quote ---
1. Tressel is a Republican. He endorsed Kasich, but has donated to GOP candidates in past:
http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052970204731804574386952311239532 and this bizarre article: http://www.indystar.com/story/news/local/2017/01/10/democrats-should-draft-jim-tressel-run-governor/96384816/

2. They said that about Trump too.... but now he is Making America Great Again!

Lastly, I don't see Tressel running. It will be DeWine, Taylor, Husted vs Schiavoni, Turner, Williams?

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OH man, he helped  a freind get a job, that really defines what party he likes! or you know, his monetary contributions and his voting (also more pro dem then pub)

and no they didn't, but hey, try again right? in fact i remember just about everyone saying Trump would get it over the clown show the republicans ran out this year. making american great again, lol, my thats just too funny. we're guarenteed to be worse off in 4 years then the past 400.

Penguin Nation:
I usually ignore trolls, but the troll raises an interesting point about experience.

The governorship is an executive position.  The president of a University is an executive position, and Tressel has performed remarkably well at it.  Interestingly, many scoffed that a FB coach could run a University...how wrong they were.

The POTUS is also an executive position, and Trump is the 6th POTUS in US history to have zero experience in elected office prior to being POTUS.  Ike is another example.  I did not vote for Trump, but he seems to be effectively doing what he wants to do.  There are some people that will just get the job done no matter what, and Tressel and Trump are both examples of that.  Winners win.

Career politicians were never the intent of the Founders, who envisioned citizen politicians.  Career politicians are parasites, and their job is a joke compared to any legit job.  A newspaper route is a more challenging and honorable job.  To use political "experience" as justification for voting for someone demonstrates profound ignorance about what most elected positions entail.


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