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Fall Practice Updates

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I think there is the potential for a really big year for Wells. Second year in a system after being a 60% 2:1 TD/Int ratio is promising. I wouldn't be surprised if he comes close to 25 TDS while keeping the int under 10.

Double ET:

--- Quote from: YSUFB93 on August 30, 2015, 12:58:52 PM ---Something ive noticed is this new staff loves to recruit big WRs, we have 7 WRs 6'3 or 6'4 and 5 of them are freshman. Hopefully they have some speed too.

anyone know where i can find a depth chart?

--- End quote ---

It was listed in today's Vindy sports section,

Also interested to see the true freshman Kennedy get the nod over McFadden. Guess the bare foot wasn't working good enough.

This year's offensive line is huge and averages around 325. It will be interesting to see how they perform against smaller and more mobile defensive fronts. I really like what the staff is doing Defensively, speed and athleticism all over the field.

The YO Show:
Im excited as well. Noticed a discussion on covers where this individual claimed ysus oline was smaller than pitts and they had no good corners, only to be corrected by other forum members! Really thinking this game is favoring ysu. I suppose it will depend on exactly what you mentiond fever, seeing how they perform against smaller more mobile fronts.

Pitts starting defensive line is smaller in size to YSUs. So hoepfully the oline does better against pitts defense than they have been against YSU


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