YSU Penguin Athletics > YSU Penguin Athletics

Pissed off with Sunday Sports of Vindy!

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The YO Show:
The tv stations not covering YSU isnt the vindicators fault though

Local TV coverage is a joke. Vindy or Trib didn't even cover last saturday's scrimmage... Piss poor.


--- Quote from: ysufan0505 on August 26, 2015, 09:52:22 PM ---Vindy ... didn't even cover last saturday's scrimmage... Piss poor.

--- End quote ---

As usual, you're wrong. But since you're admittedly not subscribing, how would you know?

It really helps to have the facts on your side when you try to rip someone or something. Otherwise, well, you just look silly.

Here is a link to Joe Scalzo's story from Sunday's Vindicator. Hint: He was at the scrimmage, for anyone — like ysufan0505 — unable to figure that out.


I feel Joe does a good job covering the Guins.


--- Quote from: The YO Show on August 26, 2015, 09:41:02 PM ---The tv stations not covering YSU isnt the vindicators fault though

--- End quote ---

I know it's not the Vindicator's fault.  I simply just posted that on this thread because it was the most fitting thread to post my thoughts of local TV YSU coverage.  Which is why I prefaced the statement by saying I know the Vindy has had some nice articles regarding YSU the past few weeks.


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