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Thoughts on Ways to Engage Students and Fanbase?

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The YO Show:
I think everyone can agree there are constructive ways to engage the fanbase, and those were the things I was hoping to hear from everyone. There are definitely some ideas here, and paladin is right. YSU has some of the best facilities in the FCS along with a great gameday atmosphere. And JP, i agree with you but even propose that commuters could attend more games. I commuted and attended almost every home game (i had a family death for one) while i attended YSU.

My thinking is if you can draw some of these fans in, be it with some new marketing campaign or gimmick, that you can get returning people. People will do something again if it is fun, and that is how i describe the gameday atmosphere. Just need to get people to give it a chance, and it does include convincing those living on campus to show up to a game.

I actually want to get some of these good suggestions and pass them along. I want to try to actually make people aware of how awesome it is and provide more visibility to penguin atheletics. Im hoping you guys will help me, if only by continuing to give me constructive ideas. Lets face it, despite our disagreements and accusations to one another, we all are YSU fans right? Or else we wouldnt be wasting our time on this forum. So keep the suggestions coming guys! And thank you for your responses, together we can make a difference.

As I said......hype video with texts.  Get it?

The YO Show:
Penguinpower, i didnt mean to discount you. I do really like your suggestion. It would have to be done like the emergency text system though. Where you voluntarily sign up for the texts. There have been some good suggestions so far.

Whatever it is, it has to start with the students.

I realize that just the geography makes this a difficult comparison, but what does NDSU do to get such a large student attendance?  It isn't always snowing in Fargo. 


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