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The Akron Zips FB program

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It only makes sense. Stinks because Akron actually has a very good basketball and soccer program. Even won a national championship in soccer and have been to the NCAA Tournament multiple times in the last 10 years. Football is just dragging that school down.... Shame.

IAA Fan:
They better bring back baseball if they want the Horizon. We do not need another Cleveland State. I do not approve of accepting schools that do not fit our sports base. I also think the MVC would baulk at them, as we all know that Kent will soon follow. The MVC will announce the acceptance of Kent two seconds after they announce they are leaving the MAC.

go guins:
1-AA "The MVC will announce the acceptance of Kent two seconds after they announce they are leaving the MAC."

Truer words were never spoken (posted).  Akron and Kent would set MVC for "East" and "West" divisions and cut down some Dakota travel at least every other year.  Pluse add a couple "drive to" away games.  Would be great to see!
Hope you are right 1-AA!

Folks, keep in mind that you are reacting to the opinions of an Akron faculty member.  Administrations and trustees typically ignore faculty on every topic not directly related to course work.  Akron will continue to muddle on in the MAC and will continue to waste tons of money.  There is no time limit on being perpetually stupid.

I highly doubt this happens, if it does I don't see it happening for awhile. Would be intriguing though.


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