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YSU FB ranked 10th in TSN preseason FCS poll

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IAA Fan,

You are missing the whole point of this discussion.  It is not what you or I THINK about the FCS playoff operation.  It is about the selection committee following the rules that are already in operation.  And the rule regarding the selection of at-large teams is written in clear and precise language.  The rule obligates the committee to select for at-large berths the BEST remaining teams after the automatic bids have been awarded.  The rule says nothing about conferences or balancing geographic regions.  Again, the mandate is to select the BEST remaining teams.

In order to pretend to follow that rule, the selection committee claims that they are operating with an objective ratings system.  Fine.  Wonderful.  But it is a farce because, unlike in the FBS world, the committee REFUSES to release those ratings until AFTER the at-large selections have been made.  The solution to this mess is remarkably simple.  Release those ratings starting in the middle of the season.  At the conclusion of the regular season, award at-large bids going right down that list after the automatic qualifiers have been placed.  ANY other way is illegitimate, and brings down upon the selection committee the scorn that they so rightfully deserve.

go guins:
Wick250 I am tempted to ask you what color the clouds are in your world, but I'm not since you are doing your reasearch, and being logical (your big mistake).  Remember the imortal words of "deep throat" when he told Woodward and Berstein: "follow the money"  If you don't balance conferences, don't have regional balance etc. you risk the most important thing in college sports: THE MONEY!!  Make all the rules, guidelines etc. you want, but FOLLOW THE MONEY!  Using FBS as the example isn't too useful IMO.  They violated their own rankings in selecting the 4 for the playoff in their very first year, didn't they? 


--- Quote from: go guins on June 08, 2015, 09:13:11 AM ---Wick250 I am tempted to ask you what color the clouds are in your world, but I'm not since you are doing your reasearch, and being logical (your big mistake).  Remember the imortal words of "deep throat" when he told Woodward and Berstein: "follow the money"  If you don't balance conferences, don't have regional balance etc. you risk the most important thing in college sports: THE MONEY!!  Make all the rules, guidelines etc. you want, but FOLLOW THE MONEY!  Using FBS as the example isn't too useful IMO.  They violated their own rankings in selecting the 4 for the playoff in their very first year, didn't they?

--- End quote ---

What do you disagree  about?  Wick is spot on in his analysis.   We are the few that follow FCS football.   The only real money is in the FBS power 5.  The rest of college football is really not an eye opening money maker.

In the FCS it is not about the money.  Most athletic  departments are balancing  capital money against the cost of managing  a team of 18 year olds.

go guins:

--- Quote from: penguinpower on June 08, 2015, 10:45:46 AM ---
--- Quote from: go guins on June 08, 2015, 09:13:11 AM ---Wick250 I am tempted to ask you what color the clouds are in your world, but I'm not since you are doing your reasearch, and being logical (your big mistake).  Remember the imortal words of "deep throat" when he told Woodward and Berstein: "follow the money"  If you don't balance conferences, don't have regional balance etc. you risk the most important thing in college sports: THE MONEY!!  Make all the rules, guidelines etc. you want, but FOLLOW THE MONEY!  Using FBS as the example isn't too useful IMO.  They violated their own rankings in selecting the 4 for the playoff in their very first year, didn't they?

--- End quote ---

What do you disagree  about?  Wick is spot on in his analysis.   We are the few that follow FCS football.   The only real money is in the FBS power 5.  The rest of college football is really not an eye opening money maker.

In the FCS it is not about the money.  Most athletic  departments are balancing  capital money against the cost of managing  a team of 18 year olds.

--- End quote ---
What I disagree about is, and I quote "It is about the selection committee following the rules that are already in operation."  I don't think so, I think it is about money.  Who gets the home games in BCS football, the higher ranked team or the one that guarentees the most money?  What the "heck" does "balancing  capital money against the cost of managing  a team of 18 year olds."  mean?? 

go guins,

I will be kind and assume that your heart is in the right place.  But you have limited knowledge about FCS football.  Your comments about money are obsolete.  Yes, decades ago, teams bid for home games in every round of the playoffs.  Money talked then.  And YSU was sometimes the beneficiary.  Not any more.  Money has been completely removed from the process.  The NCAA sets the amount for minimum guarantees.  If the higher seed meets that figure, they get the home game....automatically.  Sometimes that results in embarrassment for FCS as it did last fall when one semifinal game was played in a "high school-like" stadium because New Hampshire had the higher seed and met the financial bid.

What Penguinpower, I, and astute FCS fans across the country are up in arms about is simply this.  The NCAA has a procedure in place to select that best field but the selection committee refuses to follow those rules.  Until the selection committee practices transparency, publicly reveals their "secret rankings" during the season, and follows the bylaws about selecting the strongest teams for at-large berths, hypocrisy will reign.


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