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Neutral site for Horizon League basketball tournament?

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There are media reports that the Horizon League is about to enter into a five year agreement to play the basketball tournament in a big city arena.  The location....I am not making this up....Detroit. ???  At Joe Louis Arena.

Safe city.  Garden spot and big tourist attraction.  Sure to attract massive crowds.  Makes perfect sense, doesn't it? :P

If true, I wonder if they will hold the women's tournament in the same venue like the MAC does in Cleveland.  Would be nice to get that out of Green Bay.

if we are going central location it should be in chicago or Indianapolis and the problem with that is the B1G uses both cities so the next options would be Milwaukee or Detroit. No good options

I do not think that any schools team, men or women, has a big enough following to put enough butts in the seats to make it worth while.

Did Horizon try something like this in Chicago when the league first started? As I recall, the idea was to be a Midwestern version of the Big East. This way way before YSU was in the league.

The league is a shell of what it was since Butler left. 


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