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State of men’s basketball

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1AA....."Slocum: He is what he is. I like him & am happy he is here. I wish we had more success, but MBB is at the appropriate concern level right now. It has to fall below facilities, women's sports and football. If we were able to pull in the nation's basketball best players, I would still be happy to have Slocum at the helm. In the mean time he has good fundamental coaching skills, affording us the ability to recruit untapped talent. He is also prepping a good replacement for when he does retire. Even if we hired outside, I see Slocum as being an integral part of the transition. After all ...he is a "good ole boy"."

Please tell me that is nothing but sarcasm.  Look, I pay absolutely no attention to MBB because well, it SUCKS, PERIOD.

If it HAS to fall below facilities and women's sports, then why have it?? 
How does this program even think about pulling good players in, when the program is absolutely terrible?
Good fundamental coaching skills?  Untapped talent?  He loses more players than he gets.  HE loses more games than he wins.

Sarcasm right?  Please say yes.  Because until today, I really respected your views on a lot of things.  But, if that is how you truly feel, I may have to start reading your comments with the same view as I read Paladin.

SHEESH, I feel like I was just kicked in the gut.  WOW!!

Wouldn't be surprised if 1 or 2 more players left....

Penguin Nation:
It would be absurd to prioritize a non-revenue generating sport over a revenue generating sport.

Maybe Bobby Hain should be put in lock down so he doesn't leave.  Or Maybe bribe him to stay? Idk

This can be fixed if the right guy comes in to run it. I guess our coach will be here another year before he retires so that makes it really tough to recruit. Kids dont come here because of the "brand", some schools never really recruit, they just choose. We are not that type of program. Kids come here to play for a coach they relate to, or its the only D1 scholly they received. They leave for basically the same reason, they lose trust in the staff that recruited them or they realize they cannot play at this level and want playing time. All of them come in thinking that they are better than they realize and when reality sets in they step out. It seems that we have signed 3 nice players but will they stay when a new staff takes over. We might find ourselves in the same boat this time next season. Right now we are stuck in a revolving door, going nowhere fast.

Slocum is gonna stay to get his 700 wins... Against Youngstown East or Chaney, or Rayen or whoever else we play at home... After next year, see ya.


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