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State of men’s basketball

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--- Quote from: ysufan0505 on March 25, 2015, 11:32:12 AM ---Vaughn's statements...

“The coaching staff has a good philosophy, but it doesn’t fit me,” he said in a telephone interview on Tuesday afternoon. “I’m more of a guy who drives to the basket and he’s a jump-shooting coach, a 3-pointer coach."

“I came in here averaging 20 points per game in junior college and I was shooting like nine free throws a game. He tried to change me and that style of play doesn’t fit me. I’d rather go somewhere where I fit the style of play.”

“I wasn’t happy about the things to do here in Youngstown, but that was only about five percent [of the decision],” he said. “And it’s cold. That played a major factor.

“Leaving Youngstown is the best thing I could do. I need to go somewhere where my family can get to the games. It’s eight hours from home and I need to get closer.”

--- End quote ---

Sounds like he thought it out, good luck to him

Thing that stuck out to me is when Vaughn said Slocum plays a different style than what my game is.... Really? So why recruit him to come here when he is not going to fit your style of play??

IAA Fan:

--- Quote from: ysufan0505 on March 25, 2015, 07:24:33 PM ---Thing that stuck out to me is when Vaughn said Slocum plays a different style than what my game is.... Really? So why recruit him to come here when he is not going to fit your style of play??

--- End quote ---

you are so anti-Slocum that you are seeing this backwards. Vaughn knew his role & the weather. He may have found out he cannot do either, but still that is nothing on Slocum. It happens in football all the time. I was getting sick of these Florida guys. anyone any good leaves for the heat. anyone not worth a darn, knows it and stays.

Let's just see how the recruits work out and who comes with the two open scholarships. As strange as this sounds and I am showing my age, I would like to go back to having a week of open tryouts again. You would be surprised what comes your way.

I have to agree the kid knew when he was recruited what style of play we run.  Guard oriented and outside shooting.  Slocum gave Keene the keys to the car and the kid screwed him. Perry who was way better than Keene didn't have any problems with him. 

1AA? These Florida guys? The ones who are good leave and the ones who aren't stay? So would Kendrick fall into the ..............which one? You are so out of touch.
Osandi found out....or realized.....it was cold in Youngstown? Really? Guess he wasn't a geography major! Yet only 5 % of his decision was based on what there was to do in Youngstown! God love Youngstown.......but there is not a whole lot to do!
"The wheels have come off"......."Elvis has left the building"......" The fat lady has sung"........."jerry is coaching"? One doesn't fit. You solve the puzzle...riddle....whatever you may deem it so that it sounds complex in your high thinking analysis.
Things outlive their usefulness. Happens all the time.
By the way......haven't heard any updates on the current roster making GPA rewards recognition? Did I miss it?


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