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State of men’s basketball

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Penguin Nick:
I am so tired of the mediocrity that is YSU men's basketball.  How and why this crap is allowed to go on year after year after year is mind-boggling.  You get what you pay for and what you invest in, and when you pay your coach very little compared to what he should be paid (esp compared to your 1AA football coach), when your arena has rickety bleachers and you can't even see the scoreboard half-way up these bleachers, and when your out-of-conference schedule is as pathetic as our schedule is, then this is what you get.  Until we hold coach and Strollo accountable, this will continue to happen. 

Vaughn's statements...

“The coaching staff has a good philosophy, but it doesn’t fit me,” he said in a telephone interview on Tuesday afternoon. “I’m more of a guy who drives to the basket and he’s a jump-shooting coach, a 3-pointer coach."

“I came in here averaging 20 points per game in junior college and I was shooting like nine free throws a game. He tried to change me and that style of play doesn’t fit me. I’d rather go somewhere where I fit the style of play.”

“I wasn’t happy about the things to do here in Youngstown, but that was only about five percent [of the decision],” he said. “And it’s cold. That played a major factor.

“Leaving Youngstown is the best thing I could do. I need to go somewhere where my family can get to the games. It’s eight hours from home and I need to get closer.”

Vaughn's quote proves my point exactly....we need a staff with contacts in Ohio and W. PA...kids stay here for a season and if they dont see the court much or are too far away from home, they up and leave. We can fill a roster with guys like that over the years. Kudos to kids like DJ and Kendrick; kids that commit to a program even though they are a long way from home. Why do we need to recruit in Texas when we can find kids just as good much closer to Youngstown. Slocum coached a Gannon and won a lot of games there, it would interesting to see the make up of his squads there. Id be willing to bet that the majority of his players couldve played here. Its not like the talent level here has won much of anything since Rice left. These defections are becoming unacceptable. It seems to be the trademark of the past two regimes. Lets just build this the right way. Personally, I think Andre Smith (ex player) would be a fine choice to begin the turnaround

Just checked out Lourdes Univ website and see that Leroy King is on Dre's staff. Who better than 2 ex YSU players that understand this university and also what it takes to play at a mid major level, to turn this around. Id bet they both would jump at the chance.

Penguin Nation:
I thought it was outrageous that a player punches another player, and then stays on the team.

Character should be a factor in recruiting.

Was the snow, or the role Vaughn would be asked to play a surprise to him? I strongly suspect there  are way more to his reasons for leaving than that.


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