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State of men’s basketball

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Penguin Nation:
Jerry has finished with a 2 win HL record three of the last six seasons. Jerry has finished ninth or tenth in the HL three of the last six seasons. In his ten years, half of the seasons were ninth or tenth place finishes. He has had a losing record in the HL every year except one.

For the second straight year, leading scorers are prematurely leaving the team.  Last year it was after one player punched another.

Jerry recruited these kids, and should recruit kids that want to be Penguins, and who are proud to be Penguins. He should, like any good leader, retain quality talent.

This is all on Jerry...except the record of failure is so extensive that the blame really shifts more and more to the AD, and even to those above the AD.

Bottom line is Slocum is in charge of whatever happens.  Just like any of us at our jobs.  If someone is in a position to be in charge of a business or whatever they have to understand the accountability that comes with it.  Jerry is fully accountable for the programs conditions.  I personally have spoken to students who are close to some players and they say the players do not care for Slocum.  The program has hit rock bottom with no end in sight.   

IAA Fan:
Never heard any statements ...so no one threw anyone "under the bus". In fact I cannot say that I ever heard of any such statements ever coming from Slocum about any players.

Funny thing we change the head football coach with a winning record but keep Slocum who record is terrible.
Kinda makes you scratch your head and wonder.

I was surprised Keene was invited back after the incident with Weber last year, so i can't say his departure is a real loss--he doesn't belong here.  He's a good player, but his ego seems to be getting in the way. I can't comment on Vaughn but it sounds like from the Vindy article he wants to be closer to home.


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