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State of men’s basketball

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--- Quote from: Penguin Nation on April 12, 2015, 09:04:31 PM ---
--- Quote from: popsicle on April 12, 2015, 08:04:01 PM ---Just curious......anyone know what UWGB paid their new coach?

--- End quote ---

From Deadspin.com:

 "...annual salary of $133,132 plus another $70,000 in outside income..."

"University of Wisconsin—Green Bay men's basketball coach Brian Wardle made news last month when it got out that he may have made his players run hills so much that one of his players, Ryan Bross, shat his pants, and that he may have then proceeded to heckle the poor pants-sh**ter all season long."


--- End quote ---

More than I needed to know, just saying

Guess it goes to show.......you can win without a "top paid" coach. Bonuses? What a novel idea. Think the value of the bonus would be more than offset by the benefit the university recognize? Utter brilliance!

Penguin Nation:
Five year old data.  If accurate, we weren't being as outspent by other HL members as I was led to believe.


Lots of numbers to digest, Penguin. Don't rock the boat.....shatter the dream....blow the smoke away. Mirrors and smoke have fooled many a "viewers" over the years. Often times hard to digest the "facts"....that's why we rely on stats so much today......they can be formed....like clay....to be whatever item you want to portray.

Better yet...after doing the math....get rid of "tweedle-dee" and "tweedle-dum" and you can apply the $111,000 in savings to Slocum's pay. They don't seem to be allowed a whole lot of input.....and Slocum could be rewarded accordingly. Of course though.....who would do the post game interviews with Rob?


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