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New Sport: Women's Bowling

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TRending ?  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

YSU has LOST enrollment for FOUR STRAIGHT YEARS. If the enrollment   for Fall 2015 is another drop over Fall 2014, then brace yourselves because the cuts will begin. Millions of dollars have been lost and the state isn't reimbursing. The REAL trend is that most people recognize that college
 isn't always a great return on investment nor is a good job to be had for all  the expenditures that college costs and thus, college enrollments are under pressure everywhere. Many majors offer little or no job offers in the  area of study and others find shrinking job opportunities. The trend is down.

IAA Fan:

--- Quote from: Penguin Nation on March 06, 2015, 10:20:14 AM ---Applications are way up.  President Tressel has done aggressive outreach to area HSs, and the marketing of the University has improved.   I don't know that it will mean increased enrollment, but it makes sense that it would.


I don't understand the creation of new sports when we are constantly fed excuses that the revenue generating sports are underfunded.  The only way it makes sense, other that having an inept AD with poor decision making skills, would be if we are changing conferences, and aligning our sports to those of a new conference.

--- End quote ---

BINGO!  All of the facilities upgrades point this way. Remember, we were told that when the MAC took SUNY-Buffalo, it was because they had just built all of the tremendous facilities. They were scheduled to host the World Collegiate Games and the government put a lot of $$$ into the campus.

Again neither the MAC or HL have Bowling. However, the NCAA currently does not require any conference affiliations for bowling. Currently, four conferences (Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference, Northeast Conference, Southwest Athletic Conference and Central Intercollegiate Athletic Association) account for 36 of the 63 schools that sponsor the sport. There are 27 teams that do not have conference affiliation.

I was ready on NCAA.org that the NCAA wants to have 8 conferences sponsoring Bowling by the 2018 tournament. That being said, I would hope they are willing to help out financially, at the conference level, then it would be passed on to us.

IAA Fan:
I do not want to get off the topic of a new sport, but we need some YSU business/Econ majors to speak up here. The obvious trend in all post-prep education is down. This does not mean the world is coming to and end; it just means your consumer is changing. What it indicates is an economic shift. In education, this could mean things such as lower population in a given age group (university presidents are always looking at population data). Or it could be something more micro, such as a reduction in local population causing issues at more specific universities (again the more prudent university presidents are tracking these things).

I know that in the recent past, the general focus of collegiate education had been in academic specialization. That is being unique from you closest competition and focusing on people that want to go this direction. However, we can clearly see the recent changes in this has become quite the opposite. Look at YSU's additional majors and degrees added in PE, General Studies, STEM, etc. These all indicates that we are entering an era of more general education. I am not saying we will go back to "Reading, Writing and Arithmetic" but we all have to agree that YSU is doing well in these core areas. It is a great sign of things to come for "Guin State".


The Jambar @TheJambar  ·  2h 2 hours ago
YSU is adding a NCAA women's bowling team with the goal of starting during the 2015-2016 season, YSU Athletic Director Ron Strollo confirms.

IAA Fan:
Good find 0505. I wonder if they are going to keep using McGuffy? I have not been to that part of town recently, but I think I would like to see them use another facility. Any bowlers out there? What are the best close facilities?


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