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CONGRATS!! To the UNI Panthers!!

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IAA Fan:
One more post like that Paladin & you are gone. You are only back on here because I listened to a few misguided people. I have never read a more arrogant, unknowing, pampas windbag in my life. Look at all the good posters that are gone because of my decision. Do us all a favor and join them. Better yet, make another post like that ...it won't take long.

Penguin Nation:

True Story.  One night years ago my mother called me and despondently said, "They just renewed Heacock's contract."  She spoke of it as if she were telling me about JFK's assassination or the Challenger disaster....and she is not one for hyperbole.

Most reasonable people get it.  Most reasonable people understand the consequences of the AD's ineptitude.  For those of us who get it, it doesn't mean we don't love the University.  In fact, it means we give a sh-- and want it to succeed. 

Where were you when you heard the shocking and horrific news of Heacock's contract renewal?

IAA Fan:
which one? I was against the first, in favor of the second and against his resignation. I was also against the hiring of Wolford, but continued to support my team. Beside you never show us anything to prove you care about the team. You know as well as I do that if MBB had won 30-games this year, but collapsed in the first-round of the HL tourney ...you would be calling for his head. The reason for my post is because anyone can say they are a fan, but being a fan is a different story.

BTW Pride: It is not as if you are Paladin. you make great contributions to the board. However, if you are in PC, they why do you not talk to Ron Strollo about your concerns? I have never seen him shy away or refuse a straight-up answer to anyone. That is how you get things done. He is the most available AD that you will ever meet.

Penguin Nation:
"JMU has had the same stadium since they began football back in 1972 ...with only 2 major upgrades & ours is still superior. I get tired of your people's crap."





I was speaking of the JMU campus as a whole, which has undergone massive expansion and renovation.  I do understand why on a sports forum you would think I was specifically speaking of athletics upgrades.  Well, they definitely have those too.  The renovations to Bridgeforth stadium are considerable, as the stadium was partially demolished recently and a new larger section was built increasing seating capacity to nearly 25K.

I brought this topic up only to illustrate that ALL schools upgrade facilities, and claiming that Strollo is somehow competent because of facility upgrades is outlandish.

IMO, a true fan helps their team by both cheering the good things, and also advocating for improvement.  Right now, YSU's success is limited by an underachieving MBB HC and a terrible AD who has sabotaged the University's revenue stream through mismanagement of the revenue generating sports.  The fact that he still holds that position is mind boggling. 

The average fan doesn't give a crap about Olympic sports. Plain and simple. MBB and Football are the money makers. Get them back on track asap or YSU is in trouble.


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