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Fletcher Larson?

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It's just time for a change. This program is growing dormant by the day.

Budget is not an excuse for MBB. Just look at any other team at YSU, even football. (Yes, FB is not where we want it to be, but then 8-4 is nothing to sneeze at.) There's plenty of potential coaches who would see YSU as a promotion from their current positions, and some of them are no doubt quite decent.

If budget was a direct reflection of success we would have never beat PITT in football.  YSU WBB wouldnt have beat PITT a few years ago and the story goes on and on.  Two .500 seasons riddled with early Div 3 teams isnt a successful season unless your at YSU.  You can hide and survive when there are ZERO expectations...

Using this budget ee isjust a poor excuse.  What if we get a new coach and he succeeds with the same budget then what would you "budget users" say then.   Give me a break  Budget? Really?  Can't we all admit Slocum is not a D1 coach.   

Its obvious that the staff that is in-place cant get what is the norm of today (More with less)... However, we get excuse after excuse that "this team cant win if they do this or that"....  Have you ever heard of getting the best out of your players?  Have you ever seen this staff take a marginal player and make him better?  He has had plenty of opportunites as he has had roster after roster of marginal players for this level...... 


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