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Backlash over Ron Brown hiring has already started

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Lets_Talk, do you know the most wonderful thing about this country?  It's that you have a choice in pretty much EVERYTHING you do (as do those who want to b**** about the guy).  Here they are:  Listen to him OR don't listen to him.  Same thing with donating your money.  2 choices: 1. Donate, 2. Don't donate.  It's your choice.

I personally don't give a sh** whether you, he or anyone else has an axe to grind over someone's lifestyle choice, monetary choice, religious choice or any other choice that exists.  If you don't like it or don't agree with it, then don't be a part of it.  It really is THAT simple!!


--- Quote from: Lets_Talk on February 09, 2015, 01:18:25 PM ---penguinpower,

The Editor of The Jambar had every right to write this Editorial piece. If you do not like the article, then take it up with the Editor. I'm merely trying to point out that this hiring is already causing controversy, and we are 7 months away from the start of the season, and about 6 months from summer practice.

Ron Brown has a right to believe whatever he wants to believe. What he does not have is a right to use his position as a football coach at YSU to push his version of Christianity, his views on sexual orientation, gender identity, race, age or any of the other areas prohibited in the non-discrimination clause.

I know of MANY coaches at YSU, both past and present that had/have a very strong faith in God. That is not the issue here. The issue is Ron Borwn being so outspoken in his bigoted views, and how that can affect the players on the football team, the student body, fans, alumni, faculty and staff and the entire community.

Also, I did not go searching for this article. I read The Jambar on line from time to time as a way to keep up with what is going on at my Alma Mater. And, if you read the piece, this is about more than just Ron Brown, and his views. This is about systemic problems at YSU that do not appear to be improving at all with Jim Tressel as President. I supported his hiring, and believe he still deserves more time before being deemed fit or unfit for the position. But, his Presidency has not gotten off to a good start, with the inability to finalize a contact with ACE, finalize a contact with Faculty, a decrease in Fall Enrollment, decrease in Winter Enrollment, and questions over the Athletic Dept receiving an INCREASE in funding, while all other departments received funding DECREASES.

The hiring of Brown is just a system of much of what plagues YSU, and this op-ed piece makes that very clear. I do not understand why it is so hard for people to understand that a person with the views of Ron Brown who is as outspoken and brash as he is does not bode well for a PUBLIC UNIVERSITY. Nor does the AD, Tressel or even Pelini not responding to the concerns of people such as myself, those who wrote letters to the editor and others with regards to Ron Brown.

I'm now in a position financially again where I can make small donations to YSU if I choose. As a result of the Ron Brown hiring, and the way concerns have been handled by Tressel, Strollo and Pelini, I will not donate a single cent to YSU or YSU athletics. I'm just a small time donor when I've donated in the past. And, it's easy for those of you that post without using your true identity to bash me. Just consider though that there are other people with the same concerns as myself. Other people who could contribute money to YSU and specifically the Athletic Department. Also remember that the University belongs first and foremost to the current students. I doubt this is the last time this issue will be discussed publicly, and it is to the detriment of the University, the athletic department and the football program to not have any kind of open discussion about Ron Brown with students, faculty, staff, alumni and any person who supports YSU in any way.

--- End quote ---

This is so blown out of proportion is what I am saying.  I am a scientist and an Engineer and there is no evidence of global warming caused by humans.  None zero.  There isn't enough data and there are too many sources of variation.  I choose not to listen to uneducated people that try to push this garbage on me.  The have no way to test their hypothesis yet expect me to believe them and if I disagree well..............there is hell to pay for me.  I don't want them pushing their ideology in schools either, but they do.  It is a continuous onslaught of nonsense. Does that mean I want to pollute the environment?  No it does not.  You are way too sensitive over this.  I believe that more than 80% of the population are idiots.  How you handle them will help you go a long way.


--- Quote from: SoupCity on February 09, 2015, 01:45:19 PM ---Lets_Talk, do you know the most wonderful thing about this country?  It's that you have a choice in pretty much EVERYTHING you do (as do those who want to b**** about the guy).  Here they are:  Listen to him OR don't listen to him.  Same thing with donating your money.  2 choices: 1. Donate, 2. Don't donate.  It's your choice.

I personally don't give a sh** whether you, he or anyone else has an axe to grind over someone's lifestyle choice, monetary choice, religious choice or any other choice that exists.  If you don't like it or don't agree with it, then don't be a part of it.  It really is THAT simple!!

--- End quote ---

Coach Brown is a representative of the University, like it or not. As such he needs to keep his mouth shut about things not related to football. I can guarantee you everything he says in the media will identify him with YSU.

Unless we want to start running disclaimers for every Jambar editorial, interview, whatever stating that the opinions expressed within do not necessarily reflect YSU  ::)

Easier yet...just coach football. I personally don't care what he says, he has the right to look like a moron if he chooses...we all do  ;D

Nowhere in my idiotic statement s does it say I am employed by YSU, so what he and I say carry far different weight and implications. I, and most of you, take it for what it is. Not everyone will, and thats their problem. But do we really need more articles like this Jambar one? Will one on ESPN be helpful?

IAA Fan:
Yes ...ladadodaday ...for the most part.

The real story here is that YSU is "growing-up" and experiencing growing pains. We never had a coach of such a high stature. Also YSU athletics have really become much more significant in the past few years.

At the same time, for so many years YSU was really a college focusing on business, science and engineering; all people that are traditionally going to realize the need for conservatism. Even Dana, was heavily focused on traditional music (classical and traditional pop {marching band}) the arts go, a more conservative mindset. However, we now have had to expand our academic offerings (for better or worse) to maintain a large and competitive student body. This required us to expand our liberal arts offerings beyond those needed to maintain accreditation in core curriculum. So this will affect much of what happens (i.e.: student elections and student paper editors). My only thought is to encourage students to vote, then you will not have this mindset ...or maybe it will increase? Secondly, a letter from students and/or the editor is not news ..never has been anywhere (except CNN and the The same applies to social media ...which we are. We may report something earlier that others, but it is still not "official" until YSU says that it is. It is my site, I may say something, but it is not newsworthy.

As to Brown: if he is truly a man of faith; he will not be detoured by this. If he is truly a man of compassion (as real men of faith are), he will understand that some may not like what he does and respond appropriately on and off the field. I will also point out that many public institutions are faith-based and/or teach the liberal art of religion. I will also point out that you cannot watch a football game, where a player does not first thank some type of God.

So unless coach Brown fails as a coach (deliberately listed first), calls himself a non-football god, or orders a player to say 10 "Our Fathers" and 10 "Hail Mary's"; this is not really much of a story and welcome coach Brown.

As to conservatism and age Lets_Talk: here is a quote to always remember:  "Not to be a socialist at twenty is proof of want of heart; to be one at thirty is proof of want of head."


--- Quote from: Lets_Talk on February 09, 2015, 12:40:05 PM ---For people who thought I was making an issue out of nothing with my posts regarding the hiring of Ron Brown, you might want to think again.

I know many of you who post on this site are on the conservative side, with several being 30 or older. I also know that Youngstown, Ohio is not exactly a bastion of equality and inclusion. Having said that, times are changing. The youth of today, even in an area such as Youngstown/Warren are much more open minded and accepting of people.

--- End quote ---

First, you are making a mountain out of a mole hill.

Second, by your own words the youth of today are much more open minded and accepting of people. So it should not be a big deal for all of us to be open minded and accepting of Ron Brown.


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