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Beeghly Center/Covelli Centre

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Penguin Nick:
I have a few comments/questions regarding Beeghly Center and men's basketball:
First, it's a shame that men's basketball is the red-headed step-child to football, I believe both can be successful.  There should not be such a disparity between Stambaugh Stadium and an outdated Beeghly Center.  I don’t buy into this notion that men’s hoops cannot be successful and believe that men’s basketball should be a major money-maker.  You shouldn’t have to count on the football “money games” to support men’s basketball.  There is no reason why we do not play a tough non-conference schedule against elite teams.  There are schools out there that will play anyone at any time (Oral Roberts and Oakland for example).  True, you’ll play most of these games on the road and you’ll lose most of them but they will toughen you up and in the long run you’ll become better and perhaps YSU will eventually get better athletes because of a tougher schedule.  It would also give fans something to look forward too. No one cares about our home schedule, it’s pathetic. 

Secondly, I would love to see Beeghly retrofitted with all red seats (except for the end zones).  But even if you did so, the ceilings are still too low and if you walk halfway up the bleachers you cannot see the scoreboard.  For you architects out there, is there any way that Beeghly can be retrofitted so the ceilings are not so low (I know this would cost a lot of money but I’m just curious)? 

Thirdly, does anyone know how much would it cost per year (in rent) for YSU to make the Covelli Centre their home?  I'm trying, unsuccessfully, to find out online how many Division 1 college basketball teams play off-campus (it may be more than you think, for example both The University of Kentucky and the University of Louisville play in off-campus arenas).  I think moving to the Covelli Centre would drastically improve basketball, from wins to atmosphere to bringing in better teams.  Of course, YSU would also have to dramatically increase coaches salaries if they ever want to be successful.

I know YSU is strapped for cash and moving to the Covelli Centre or doing anything with the ceilings will not happen anytime soon.  Perhaps the only thing YSU can do is retrofit Beeghly with all red seats, which would look great.
Any comments?

Once a year, I am fine with Covelli, but I am against it for the entire year. It is built like a hockey arena, not a basketball arena.

Drive to Kent or Akron and Beeghly is nearly a carbon copy of those two facilities. IMHO, it is nicer than those two facilities. They may each have nicer videoboards, but that is about it.

I am all for a remodeled Beeghly but lets get a new coach and some renewed excitement 1st before we do that.   The excitement level now is like watching grass grow. 


--- Quote from: YsuPride on January 24, 2015, 07:58:12 AM ---I am all for a remodeled Beeghly but lets get a new coach and some renewed excitement 1st before we do that.   The excitement level now is like watching grass grow.

--- End quote ---

Exactly. Great point!

Penguin Nick:
Not only are the ceilings/overhead too low, but the two practice basketball hoops on each side of the court hanging down at angles block your views.  Mr. Strollo needs to make Beeghly renovations his next priority.  And he and Slocum need to be aggressive and schedule better out-of-conference games, even if they are on the road.   



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