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Ohio State RB Bri'onte Dunn May Transfer to YSU

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IAA Fan:
Thanks GBS. So Dunn would have transferred for this semester. I suppose he could come in the summer.

If he does transfer here it won't be until the end of the spring semester that ends in late May. Moore will more then likely come into summer camp at 210-215..If I were Dunn I wouldn't want to compete against Ryan for playing time that kid is a beast and can do so many good things coming out of the backfield

Meant to post this last week but just thought of it now. Here was an update on Bucknuts:

"**Don’t Put A Fork In Dunn? … A source close to Bri’onte Dunn’s family – the same one that told us earlier this year that Dunn was considering a transfer to Youngstown State – is back with more information.

“I told you there was a decent chance he would stay at OSU, but that I thought there was a better chance he would be at YSU this fall,” the source said. “I need to back off that statement. Trust me, it’s still a strong possibility, but the fact of the matter is Bri’onte is happy at OSU. He just has a lot of people in his ear telling him it’s now or never if he actually wants to play. Those ‘third uncles’ as Urban (Meyer) likes to call them.

“But what they say makes sense because let’s be real, (Dunn) isn’t even competing for a spot on the two-deep. Obviously Zeke (Elliott) is the starter and Curtis Samuel is the backup. That is not changing. So, it’s a battle between Dunn and Warren Ball for third-string. And then Mike Weber gets there in June.
“OSU’s staff wants (Dunn) to stay. They are telling him depth can disappear quickly at the RB spot and they like what he can do on special teams. He played a lot on special teams this past season.

“I don’t know, there’s still a chance he will leave after spring semester, but I wanted to tell you I was probably overstating it when I said there was a better chance he’d be in Youngstown than Columbus this fall. It could go either way, but right now I would lean on him coming back.

“And I don’t think Warren Ball is going anywhere either. He even reached out to Mike Weber during that whole Stan Drayton ordeal and showed some good leadership and commitment to the program. Why would he do that if he was planning on leaving OSU? Plus, he’s a Columbus kid anyway. Dunn is the one who might leave, but again, I think he wants to stay. It’s just people around him urging him now is the time to leave if he wants to actually get playing time as a running back.”"

I won't lose any sleep if he doesn't show up here.

Penguin Nation:

--- Quote from: ysufan0505 on March 22, 2015, 09:36:50 PM ---I won't lose any sleep if he doesn't show up here.

--- End quote ---

He may have realized he'd be third on the depth chart here too.


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