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Ron Brown hired by Pelini?

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Ameer Abdullah is a practicing Muslim and the youngest of a large Muslim family. He had zero problem with Ron Brown and neither does his family. Ameer is a great admirer of Brown and has said so many times.

Does anyone think that in all these years Brown has never coached a gay player? Atheists? Anything other than a cross section of the general population? Of course he has and done so without a single issue arising. And yet, because he's an "out there" Christian, he can be singled out and thought unqualified for a position at a public institution? That his record can be dismissed as irrelevant?

Who's the bigot in these conversations?

Like I said, Brown has a right to believe whatever he wants to believe. He is walking a very narrow line though by using his position as a football coach at PUBLIC UNIVERSITY to preach his brand of Christianity. And, it could well end up biting YSU football in the behind in recruiting, and even with how players respond and perform with him as their coach. There is something called Separation of Church and State in this country. If he does public speaking or coaching clinics on behalf of YSU football, and says the things he said in that video, he could well be deemed to be speaking for the entire YSU Athletic Department, or at the very least the football program.

I NEVER stated he is unqualified for the job. I made sure to point out that he is allowed be think and believe whatever he wants. You might want to go back and re-read my posts slowly, and try comprehending what was written.

Bigotry is bigotry. Hatred is hatred. People can try and justify it all they want, but it is wrong. And, it's ironic that Brown worships a dude that preached about not throwing stones, not judging, loving you neighbor, loving your enemy, yet he does alot of judging and throwing of stones.

This hire has the potential to have negative ramifications for YSU. How negative, I'm not sure. Keith Dambrot, the current HC foe Akron men's basketball was blackballed for over a decade because he used the word Nigger when talking to his players. And, the thing is, he ASKED them if it would be ok to do so, and they said yes. NONE of the players took offense. They knew the context in which he was using the word. Yet, his use of the word got into the public, he was fired from CMU, and then a few years later, Jim Tressel would NOT allow Dan Peter's to hire Dambrodt as an assistant coach. And, Dambrot apologized repeatedly for his use of that word. The players all said they did not take any offense, jus as is supposedly the case with Brown. Yet, Dambrot was not able to get hired by a college, and ended up taking the job at Akron SVSM, before Akron finally took a chance on him.

YSU now has an HC with a quick temper, who has made an a$$ of himself on National Television. And, now they have a person with radical Christian views and who has no problem being very outspoken about said views. That is a recipe for negative publicity, at a school that already has alot of negative perceptions to over come when trying to attract students, both those who play sports, and those who do not.

That is my opinion, this is a discussion about Ron Brown, and I'm quite certain I am not the only person who thinks what I think about this hire. I just have the courage to say what I think about hiring a person of this ilk, and do it with my real name at the bottom of my comments.

Rest assured....  There are more FAR LEFT WING LIBERALS walking on the campus of YSU and any other COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY in this coutry for that matter...  I guess Brown will give the student athletes a well rounded higher education experience....  We must accept all Paladin or do we?

It is not my job to carry the water for Ron Brown. But I do know one thing. YSU just got an excellent coach and he deserves respect for his nearly 30 years of service to his young charges. Pretty sure he'll be a good coach for YSU.

The guy has been coaching for almost 30 years... Nebraska people love him. Obviously his players do too. It's a free country, let him spout on about his religious beliefs as long as he can coach up our RB's. Get a grip people.


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