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Football in Ohio vs. N. Dakota

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Playing Akron and Kent would be much better than our current OOC teams.  They should bring more fan interest and revenue.  I just doubt that there is a chance of that happening.

--- Quote ---In short, our focus has to be to make the play-off before anything else.
--- End quote ---

AGREE  Take care of what we can control !

Thread is getting off topic but that is cool since I do not care about the game, I even forgot that it was on. Anyway our fans want us to beat Kent and the zits not just play them. At this point I think that the games would be a tossup, when we get a defense it will be Go Time.

Also I like the idea of playing a money game against a real 1-A school and then a second 1A game against an OH mac school.

I think 2 FBS games in a year where 12 games are allowed could be done. I know what Ron Strollo said about the revenue generated by home games. At the same time, it appears MAC schools pay about the same or slightly lower than the amount Ron said YSU earns from a home game. So, at least to me, it comes out as a wash money wise.

UNI and Indy State both played 2 FBS games this past season, plus the MFVC schedule and made the playoffs.
EKU also played 2 FBS teams and made the playoffs. I know the OVC is a weaker league top-to-bottom than the OVC, but the win over Miami(OH) likely helped EKU in the eyes of the playoff committee. Definitely made their 9-3 more impressive than if that 9th win was a team from the NEC or Pioneer instead of a team from FBS.

YSU could then play 2 teams from the NEC/Pioneer. I think playing Robert Morris, Duquesne, Dayton makes sense, due to geography, and they provide decent competition when having a good team. Especially WRMU and Duquesne now that they are giving a limited number of scholarships, and each school is in Pittsburgh.

This assumption of this thread that the two states might even be close is laughable. However, it is a chance to highlight the key difference between NDSU and YSU.  NDSU is the flagship football program for the state of North Dakota--it's the big fish in a little pond.  If I'm a kid in North Dakota dreaming of college gridiron glory before the hometown folks, I go to NDSU.  There aren't many kids who grow up dreaming to play for YSU, unless their folks went here or they come regularly to attend games here. In Ohio, YSU is the bottom of the pecking order of a long list of D-I schools already mentioned.

I can speak with some authority on Xavier FB as I'm a grad . Xavier gave up FB many decades ago. Just Basketball now and its very decent. When FB was around, they were pretty good.

As for the chat about N. Dakota and Ohio, there    is no  comparasion. At least the high schools  here play 11 man football. ND, not so much,  ;D  Also, if Ohio colleges had to recruit just this state, they would still be in business in FB. In ND, you would have to shut it down and stay with hockey instead.


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