YSU Penguin Athletics > YSU Penguin Athletics

Could we please fire Slocum now

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Penguin Nation:
If the goal is not winning, which subsequently would increase the ROI on the second most expensive sport at YSU, then what is the goal of the MBB program?

If the goal is to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars annually so that a handful of students can learn sportsmanship and teamwork, then yes, drop to a lesser conference or division, where the same experience can be provided at a far better value.

Just like successful sports programs can enhance enrollment and a University's image, the opposite is also true.  A failure like MBB that wears the YSU label makes the University look like a haven for underachievement.

Reading that an abject failure like Slocum may even have a chance at returning for another season is an epic absurdity.  Only a government institution can burn other peoples confiscated property (money) on a proven and expected failure.

As a lifelong Penguin fan, I've gone to my last Slocum game earlier this season.  If the YSU administration wants to burn the program into the ground, fine, there's plenty of other college basketball teams to watch that give a sh--.


--- Quote from: penguinpower on February 08, 2015, 10:00:38 AM ---Here is the deal for me.  I could care less about a non contact sport like basketball. I say spend the money on football and let us remain where we are in basketball.   I would even say to drop all basketball and funnel the money to football and stadium upgrades.

--- End quote ---

Brace yourself, penguinpower. The greed of the Power 5 conferences may be the end of NCAA football as we know it. Lots of schools will be reconsidering their commitment to football over the next few years.  IMO, I think YSU's position will depend on the outcome of the Pelini era.

Before Slocum took over Robic stunk it up, and we were like the worst basketball program in NCAA D1 or close to it.  Slocum has at least made us look like a D1 program.  I do think the Horizon is not the right fit for us we will not ever be a top 3 team with the amount of dollars spent by us vs our other competitors who spend way more than us.  Horizon had lost a lot of its luster since Butler departed and if I remember right the conference seeding as dropped as well.  I don't know the answer but Slocum is running the program on a dollar general budget and runs a clean program.


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