YSU Penguin Athletics > YSU Penguin Athletics

Could we please fire Slocum now

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So you like the teams he puts together.   You mean the losing teams he puts together.   Head scratcher. Now let me go get a beer after that comment

So let me get this we fire a football coach who had a winning record and we keep a bball coach who is like 80 games under .500 is mind boggling.  But this is Strollo and YSU we are talking about.   

So you like to watch losing basketball Fan? Go guins!

Maybe we should go back to playing D2.

Here is the deal for me.  I could care less about a non contact sport like basketball. I say spend the money on football and let us remain where we are in basketball.   I would even say to drop all basketball and funnel the money to football and stadium upgrades.


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